President Herbold December 2022 Update

December 16, 2022 | 2 minute read
The Alliance Canada




00:00:00:15 – 00:00:19:20
Hi. Alliance Canada. The National Ministry Center is all decorated for Christmas and the office is full of the joy that comes with this time of year. As the year comes to an end, I look back and think about all your faithfulness. We launched 14 new ventures. We gathered at assembly. People around the world came to know Jesus and were baptized.

00:00:20:09 – 00:00:41:02
We raised over $160,000 for Jaffray, and we had a great opportunity to begin to listen to one another during our circles of dialog. In spite of the many challenges, this has been an incredible year. Thank you for your sacrifice and faithfulness. I don’t want to only look back, though. I want to look ahead. What does Jesus have for the Alliance Canada in the coming years?

00:00:41:15 – 00:01:01:19
I am convinced of two things. Number one, that the church in the Global South will take the lead in the coming years and decades. I’m convinced that if we partner with organizations already place in the Global South, we can do more for the kingdom now than perhaps ever before. Secondly, that the church in Canada has a unique role to play globally.

00:01:02:13 – 00:01:25:07
And for instance, just a few days ago, through your generosity, we raised enough funds for four new pastors to be trained, which will likely result in 19 new churches being planted, meaning more and more people meet Jesus in South Asia. As you know, if possible, I like sharing videos with you. And so I want to introduce you to Priya, a young lady on a mission with Jesus.

00:01:25:14 – 00:01:27:06
Let’s watch this together.

00:03:33:17 – 00:04:02:10
It has always been the mission of the Alliance to preach the gospel and multiply disciples everywhere. So thank you for being on mission locally and globally. I am filled with this incredible amount of I’m not sure what the right word is… perhaps it’s the weight of appreciation and admiration for you. Thank you for your sacrifice, your faithfulness, and your generosity as you give of your time, talent, and treasure to make Jesus more famous each and every day.

00:04:03:04 – 00:04:20:21
Merry Christmas. And I pray you would know his tangible joy, a joy that surpasses all understanding as we celebrate the birth of our king.





The Alliance Canada

The Alliance Canada is people in churches sharing the love, truth, and hope of the Gospel with people worldwide who may never have heard the name “Jesus” before.
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The Global Advance Fund (GAF) is a pooled fund that supports our workers in Canada and around the world to share the Gospel with people who haven't yet heard the name of Jesus. Your continued generosity equips and sustains our workers and their ministry.



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