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Doug and Denise Cameron

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International Workers

Current Priorities

The Camerons are the team leaders in Niger with administrative duties. As well, Doug is responsible for the finances of all the Canadian African teams as the Regional Bookkeeper. Denise works with a Brighter Future program that helps Tuareg and Fulani families send their children to school and offers an after school tutoring program.

Least-Reached People Group

We work with a unique group of LRPG’s called the Western Fulani and Tuareg.  You can learn more about the Western Fulani and Tuareg by visiting our LRPG page.


“We long to see missional communities of Fulani and Tuareg transformed by the fullness of Christ.”


Doug and Denise were both raised in Christian homes. They both chose to follow Christ at an early age through the teaching of Sunday School and their family upbringing. When Doug was 18, he felt that there was something missing in his soul. His pursuit of business studies in order to have a successful life was not what God wanted for him. At this time, through a mission’s conference, he gave God total control of his life…including missions, the part of his life he had never released to God. Denise dedicated her life to missions at the age of 10 through the friendship and influence of an international worker from Papua, New Guinea. She was invited to go bowling by this missionary and was impressed with how real and passionate she was for missions and her God. This also became Denise’s passion. Doug and Denise have served in various cultures: Gabon West Africa, Québec, and now Niger, Africa.



Connect with us at: [email protected]


Prayer Requests

Pray that Doug and Denise would walk in the Spirit and that the love of God would shine through them amongst the Tuareg and Fulani peoples.

Pray that they would be clothed in the full armour of God so that the evil one may not advance but God’s Kingdom reign in Niger.

Pray with us that our Team’s presence here in Niger will see many Tuareg and Fulani peoples come to know Christ and grow in their walk with Him and others in their communities.

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