Masterful Mosaic

October 16, 2019 | < 1


Our lives are like a mosaic with broken, black, and disfigured pieces, with God as the artist who masterfully puts those pieces together to create a bigger and more beautiful picture. When we have plans and dreams that get broken or blackened, we often turn to God and say, “This wasn’t our plan.” It is in these moments that God tells us, “Don’t worry. I’ve got this.”

We were in Montreal for an extra year of home assignment with plans to return to Calgary when things changed, and six weeks were added to our stay. This is one of those moments when we asked God what He was doing. Looking back, we now see that He gave us extra time with friends in Ottawa, our son, and time to sell our furniture. This was a reminder that God cares about little things, like selling our couch. God takes our broken pieces and puts them in a bigger picture, and it is not until we step back that we can say, “Oh, that makes more sense.”

Pray for Hans and Ruth, and their family as they transitions into their new callings.
Praise God for their willingness to serve in their area of ministry.

This story is part of On Mission Together (OMT) September-October 2019 issue.
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