A Kleenex Box and the Cross

The rain was pouring down as I drove toward town with my eldest daughter, Jessica. Her nose was running relentlessly and there was not a tissue anywhere to be found in my car. She was deeply frustrated and asked, “Does God care enough to provide a Kleenex® box?”

I was challenged by her request and was aware of the desperation behind it. I could have simply pulled into the nearest convenience store but I decided that it was a great opportunity for the both of us to grow in our faith. I paused, cleared my throat, and prayed, “God we need some help, can you provide a box of Kleenex?” I had no sooner said amen when Jessica yelled out, “Stop the car, there’s my Kleenex box!” Sure enough about 100 meters in front of our car was a box of tissue right in the middle of the road. I immediately stopped, got out of the car and grabbed the box of tissue. I handed the box to Jessica and we both sat quietly for a moment. We knew God was merciful and good but a box of Kleenex in the middle of the road – this was amazing! What was even more shocking was that the box was completely dry. Jessica pulled a tissue from the box and blew her nose and said a quiet, thank you. We both agreed that this was “Holy Tissue” and that God had done a miracle.

Jessica was a young girl when that happened, but even today, she talks about the time when God showed up and did the unexpected. When she goes through times of doubt or discouragement, we will often say, “Remember the Kleenex box!” It has become a marker moment, a pivotal place of God’s undeniable goodness and mercy.

The cross is the marker moment in human history. It was the place where the sinless Son of God became sin for us so that we could be forgiven and set free. It was a loud declaration of the goodness of God. It was a pivotal moment in time where God did the unexpected, the undeserved, and the unequaled. He heard the cry of desperate humanity and recognized that without divine intervention, they would never be free. The Apostle Paul writes, “But God demonstrated His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us!” (Romans 5:8)

Over the past few months, I have bumped into some challenging situations that have caused me to feel disappointed, discouraged, and even doubtful. It is so easy when times are tough and heaven seems silent, to believe Satan’s lie, that God is not really good. When my expectations are not met and my hopes are not realized I begin to sink into places of confusion and frustration. At those moments, I could sure use another tissue box in the middle of the road!

I was driving home earlier as I was pondering this thought. It was raining and I was feeling a wave of disappointment and felt the Spirit of God say, “David, God has revealed His goodness to you. When Jesus died on the cross, He forever declared His unrelenting love and unstoppable mercy! He alone can be trusted with your deepest pain and your most vulnerable emotions. Kleenex boxes in the middle of the road are amazing moments of God’s intervention and power, but it is the Cross that stands through eternity as the place where God declared His goodness.”

The Spirit of God quietly whispered to me, “Remember the cross!” Maybe He is whispering that to you today.

Comments 7

  1. Thank you David, for this amazing account of God’s miraculous power and tender love demonstrated to a child (and to her dad!). Thank you for being willing to stand up and expect God to work miracles because He CAN and He DOES, even today.

  2. Thankyou David, what a amazing, beautiful account of God showing His miraculous power to a young girl! In our KidsZone school clubs here in Prince George we have seen God’s power working in the lives of many and drawing them to Himself, this coming week is the last club until fall and I am going to do an object lesson – “Three Crosses” so they are reminded again of God’s great love & sacrifice for them. Some come from very troubled home lives and the changes speak volumes to the parents & teachers!

    I so appreciate the monthly Momentum’s, always something I needed to hear/read. Thank you and may our Lord bless and encourage you in your vital ministry!

  3. Thanks Dave. We needed to be reminded of this today. Tomorrow, day 34, we go to check again if Rahul’s release has been granted or not. Does God care enough to provide a Kleenex Box? We could sure use a “Kleenex Box” in the middle of the road tomorrow. But we choose to cling to the cross and the empty tomb. We choose to cling to Jesus who hung on that cruel cross and who was raised from that cold tomb. We choose God!! But may He still put a Kleenex Box in the middle of the road for us tomorrow. Thanks for giving us courage Dave!

  4. Thanks David for this comparison between history marker, and how God still intersects into our lives today.
    Sometimes we miss the moments when God provides for our simple needs, like a kleenex. Thank goodness we have the cross. What a difference it has made in my life, and those of so many. As our pastors share this holiday weekend, may many come to know Him that provides life eternal and may they see the answer to many prayers, even the little ones, in their lives. May we recognize the marker moments and thank the Lord for them.
    10,000 Blessings J D Smith

  5. Thanks David, our President for sharing this amazing experience of God’s grace shown in such a miracle! Your comparison to Jesus’ incarnation and His sacrifice on the cross is very touching! Your sharing has lifted up my spirit at the time that I need it most! Thanks again!

  6. God has been good in demonstrating his tangible love and provision in so many ways over the years with us and our children. We recognize Him in the moment. I am confident that He continues to reveal His seeking and finding love in the midst of this lost generation. We depend on him and trust that He will bring our prayer to fruition in the lives of those who are brokenhearted and in need of His freedom. Thank you for posting this memory.

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